Tuesday, November 02, 2010


This was birthday camp this year..

The ground was a little bit squishy in places, under the big trees, like it is in coastal forests with extra moisture in the air.
The wildflowers were out in abundance and their colors coated the hills and cliffs around the lake.
Sunshine flickered down through the millions of needles suspended from the branches above.
The lake, a small twinkle of remembrance lay just down the trail.

These things, the ones that I had with me were essential to the trip, but possibly only to me;
..beer, for consuming and enjoying ...more so out there than other places.
..hotdogs, for really, what is camping without them.
..an air filled mattress, it's fluffiness there to keep my sleeping body from the rocks and twigs beneath.
..the quiet, the one thing that I yearned for in my year and a half in NY.

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