Sorry for the pause in blogging ...sometimes not having an at home, working computer can really make posting difficult.
Here are a few random things that you may or may not want to know about this week:
*Hello, winter! Today we woke up to snow on the ground.
*I have been sewing bubble skirts all morning!
*My sister, mother and I are planning to get together in Saint Louis soon!! The reason? ...yay, my adorable nephew is turning 1!
*Dingo has a staph infection. Go ahead, make a sad face here.
*I had to put my new sewing machines away for the first time last night and it made me sad ...but the house looks better all cleaned up than it did covered in crafts.
*I had to get a shot yesterday, and I had a bandaid on my shoulder all day to prove it!
*I haven't been taking too many photos lately, not that much has caught my eye, hopefully the weather will change that!
*I made awesome, cheesy potato soup a few days ago.
*At the doctor's office I found out that I have gained weight ..for the first time since High School. I still don't know what to do with that unfortunate information.
*Ryan is frying chicken for dinner tonight!! ..and we are having company!
Here is a fun shot that I have been saving for rainy (read: snowy) day.
I wonder if the weight gain has anything to do with the fact that your wonderful boyfriend makes you fried chicken for dinner (I'm just saying...and I'm your sister so you can't get mad at me for just saying)???
Can't wait to see you!!!!
I love reading your blog posts - keep it up! Tell Ryan that he must fry chicken when he gets to Georgia, too.
Love you!
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