Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

You will have to bear with me as I get all of my "new snow" photos out of the way!

This was Sunday:

Loads of new snow (are you surprised?)
A morning hike up on the hill to play in it
A random interaction with a broke down traveler from Sacramento and his lovely dog
New vintage sheet and Pendleton Wool shirt from Thriftown
Open-faced turkey sandwiches ..yum!
A lazy afternoon spent at the Leprechaun Bar with friend Rita and football
Not so great bar sandwich
Yummy Bobsled beer (smile)
Drive uptown through the snow and blow and ice and drift
Fantastic outdoor lights display (see the post below)
More driving through snow and blow and ice and drift
Late night pizza brought home by Ryan ..he ran over two snow covered curbs getting it
Cozy couch snuggle to "Get him to the Greek"
Lots of laughing out loud

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